Jeannie VandeWeg

Jeannie VandeWeg



Jeannie was born in Healdsburg, California and is one of the lucky ones who has always called Sonoma County "home." She's never taken this extraordinary place for granted and fully understands why it has such a pull on people from all over the country and world. She works as a full-time Realtor and loves guiding her clients prep their homes to sell and showing buyers around this beautiful county.


Over the years, she and her husband Glenn have used his construction background and her design and organization skills to buy and transform houses and resell them. They continue to live in Sebastopol with their two daughters, Labrador, French Bulldog and cat. Looking back, Jeannie sees that the experience of buying and selling their own homes, combined with her unique set of skills and work background, perfectly prepared her for a career in real estate, "I was made for this job. It combines my three passions: people, homes, and Sonoma County!" After a decade in business administration, she ran her own successful professional organizing business for thirteen years. Building relationships on a foundation of trust and understanding, Jeannie helped her clients make their homes and lives more functional, create and maintain order, get their homes ready to put on the market, and set up their newly acquired houses. She also worked as a project administrator for a local civil engineering firm, which taught her how to maneuver through the county and city departments and understand the zoning and permit process.

Give her a call, she looks forward to helping you find your way home.

What Clients Are Saying


 “I highly recommend Jeannie Vandeweg. We were on a very short timeline and chose Jeannie after talking and meeting with her because of another property she had sold in our neighborhood. There could not have been a better choice. She was very straightforward and honest with us and worked diligently to optimize our property listing, showings and ultimately successful sale. She provided a staging consult and then assisted us in doing our best to meet their recommendations without a major financial expense/outlay. I’ve never had a realtor come to my home, roll up their sleeves and help move furniture and make beds (and smile while doing so). It made me sorry not to have established a friendship with her before we moved! Her pricing strategy worked like a charm for us and she knows the community very well and interfaces closely with Sebastopol, Santa Rosa and Bay Area realtors. Her team organized the offers in an efficient way that allowed us to counter and close quickly, which was our priority. She will work hard to help you achieve your goals and to limit the stress involved!” 

– M. Miller

M. Miller, Seller