Tag: Interior Design

Posted on 01/07/2024
3 Simple ideas for designing home studios
Whether professionals or hobbyists, music production...
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Posted on 10/22/2023
Media rooms: Small home theater ideas
If you have unused space in your home, you might have the...
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Posted on 04/30/2023
Interior design tools: What the pros use
Have you ever wondered what tools are used in professional...
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Posted on 08/21/2022
Modern interior design: Essential tools of the trade
If you've ever wondered what it takes to be a modern interior designer, it's important to get acquainted with the proper tools. Technology has changed and added many tools used by modern interior designers. However, the basics remain an integral part of many designers' processes. Tools like measuring tape, drawing materials, fabric samples and other physical objects are...
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Posted on 05/22/2022
5 Ways to Create Space in a Small Room
There’s no reason you need to feel limited by a small room. While it might seem that less space means less opportunity for creativity, there are still plenty of design tricks you can use to make the room feel bigger while expressing your personal style. Here we’ve put together some tips for decorating your small space so that...
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Posted on 04/03/2022
Designing your dream home interior: 3 tips to help
Designing a custom home interior is an amazing opportunity to stretch your creativity and showcase your personal style. However, it's not always clear where to begin. If you're interested in strategies for designing your own dream home interior, here are some tips to help: Budget wisely Budget should be at the top of your priorities list when planning...
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Posted on 12/05/2021
Tips for Decorating a Small Space
From cozy nooks inside your home to bedrooms that are quaint and quiet, small spaces may feel difficult to decorate — but they don't have to be. In fact, there are endless possibilities for adding decor to these tiny spots in your home. Here are a few tips to help you get started decorating those smaller areas: Use...
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Posted on 08/29/2021
3 Damage-Free Decorating Tips for Renters
Many renters feel stifled by their inability to make interior design decisions about the property. Painting the walls, installing shelves or changing out light fixtures are all things most property managers don’t allow. However, there are still lots of things you can do to decorate your walls when renting without risking noticeable damage. Here are three DIY decoration...
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Posted on 09/08/2019
Home Decorating Trends This Year
The interior look of your home says a lot about you; it tells of your kind of style, your personality, and your taste. From the living room to the kitchen, to the bedroom, your signature gets imprinted on all the designs used. Every other year, there are new styles and designs for decorating and furnishing your home. This...
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